Saturday, September 6, 2008

T & T

I just had to share how much Trey loves his little sister. So cute! He saw me taking pictures of her and went and grabbed an old broken camera. He tried to take pictures telling her to say, "Cheese!" but was frustrated when the camera "No work".


Perry Family said...

This age so, so sweet, I love how he wants to be just like you and snap a picture, PRECIOUS!

Donna said...

Talya has gotten SO big! How cute is Trey. I'm glad he loves her so much and isn't having a hard time adjusting to having a sibling. And, YES, I'll totally do your kids' birthday books!

the duffsters said...

T-Rey is too cute!

Carpools and Casseroles... said...

So cute! Trey may have some photography blood in him - wonder where it came from?? Talya is getting a little bigger. Her face looks like it's filling out a little. She is soooo cute! By the way I got your comment about Ragnar and I'd love to do it if they need me. Even if I'm a back up or whatever - I think it'd be awesome! Let me know! Thanks. And tell Jordan congrats on the awesome tri finish! I'm so jealous...I've always wanted to do a triathalon!

Chels Allred said...

they are just the cutest little dollies ever! :D