Monday, April 7, 2008

Water fun

Who needs expensive toys when all you really need to do is give your kid a bowl of water and some utensils? So what if this was a little bit of water waste, Trey was entertained for over an hour. (Please excuse our hideous, unlandscaped backyard. We're working on it, okay?)


Perry Family said...

I love it when Bryanna finds something so simple yet it entertains her for hours, that's the best!!

Kara said...

That's sweet! Hey, at least you have a backyard!

Jessica Duff said...

They never like the cool expensive toys. I can't believe Trey is outside in just a diaper! It snowed here yesterday! Las Vegas is sounding pretty good right about now.

Erin Fonnesbeck said...

Oh my gosh! So the same... what's the deal with boys and water? Brecken had a water gun, a mixing bowl and a soup ladel the other day and he too was entertained for about an hour. It was quickly stopped however when I realized he had been coming inside and getting my store bought water bottles (even the fruity kind) and pouring them in freshly dug holes in the back yard. "I am making Hoover Dams Mom" was his answer.

Anderson's said...

water waste? whatever entertains kids, even if you have to be a little wasteful-you need the break!

Nater said...

I'm jealous!!! It snowed in Northers Utah yesterday. I miss warm weather. Kids are awesome, our little girl will swing all day long if we'd let her.

Jek said...

I just may have to do that trick tomorrow.

Marleen said...

Looks like kid fun. I'll have to strip my baby of her clothes and see if she likes this type of activity